TIRANA, April the 5th 2025
08:15 Registration of the participants
08:45 Introduction Leon Kaza, Senad Hallunaj
09:00 Pathogenesis of endometriosis Alessandro Loddo
09:30 Retroperitoneal pelvic anatomy in endometriosis surgery Mohamed Mabrouk
10:00 Visualising the unseen: Ultrasound diagnosis in retrocervical, parametrial and bowel endometriosis Alessandra Di Giovanni
10:30 Classifications of endometriosis and their impact on clinical practice Jorg Keckstein
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Navigation in the labyrinth of parametrial endometriosis; state of the art in the surgical treatment Mario Malzoni
12:00 Adenomyosis: a difficult pathology with a difficult diagnosis Alessandra Di Giovanni
12:30 Surgical innovations in bowel endometriosis Mario Malzoni
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30 Application of Artificial Intelligence in imaging diagnosis of endometriosis : is there any role? Jorg Keckstein
15:00 Endometrioma treatment and ovarian reserve Daniele Mautone
15:30 Deep endometriosis: medical vs surgical treatment Alessandro Loddo
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Prevention of complications in deep endometriosis surgical treatment Mohamed Mabrouk
17:00 Adenomyosis medical and surgical treatment Daniele Mautone
17:30 Conclusions All the faculty